
Wow! My very first post…no pressure of course. ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you have read my About page then you already know what I am striving for here or perhaps you have grasped the concept through the title of the blog. Either way, my goal is to share my prayers with you everyday along with a sprinkle of Bible verses to help cope with everyday life.

Prayer is truly powerful. I consider myself living proof of that. I have walked down more than one road in my life that made it difficult to connect with God. I lost my way yet God was always sort of lingering there in my heart and in my gut.

More recently, I have found my way back to God and have been rekindling my relationship with Him and His word. I have much to learn and God has much to show me but he requires my faith in Him if He is to do His work through me and me through Him.

I have found the power in prayer to the point I cannot contain my voice about it and so as a personal project and the hope of connecting with others, I share my prayers with you starting today with this one…

Dear Lord,

Please give me the strength and courage to face each day with love and kindness.

I write for You…for myself and anyone who wants to connect.

I am not perfect. I live in sin…You know this as you have bestowed your mercy and forgiveness upon me more times than I can count.

You deserve better from me.

Give me the strength to forgive myself as you know I struggle most in this area.

I pray for my family, my friends and even my enemies and I pray to burn less bridges and cross over new ones as You see fit.

The world is hurting Lord, I am but one person but please do with me what you will as I truly want to find myself on YOUR path and not the many detours I have taken before.

I will stumble and I will fall but I will keep praying Lord. You bring me much comfort through prayer and for that I cannot thank You enough.

I hope my commitment to log my prayers everyday will please You Lord and perhaps bring comfort to those who need it.

Make this a safe place Lord. Your word is precious, it’s important and most of all it is true. โค


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